OK, I'll admit the title to this post is pretty corny but the subject matter is not! Here are two lovely Women that any Batman Fan would totally love to have as a Wife/Girlfriend. Enjoy.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
BATMAN FAN? Nanna Nanna Nanna Nanna... BAT-BABES!
OK, I'll admit the title to this post is pretty corny but the subject matter is not! Here are two lovely Women that any Batman Fan would totally love to have as a Wife/Girlfriend. Enjoy.
I Miss You Hostess Twinkies!
It's pretty well known by now that the Hostess Company went out of business lately and they stopped making their delightful treats. Yes, you can no longer buy Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Ho-Ho's, Fruit Pies, etc... and it completely bums me out. OK, it's not so much the fact that I miss eating them, even though they were pretty good sometimes, it's the fact that I feel like a part of my childhood is completely gone. Does that make sense?
Anyways, sorry about the dumb rant. The other main focus of this post is really to enjoy this beautiful artwork featuring Batman, Robin, and Twinkie The Kid. Do you remember those "Hostess Ads" inside the comic books of the 1970's and 80's where they advertised their products? They were made to look like comic stories & they were totally great!
Well, here is a photo of some Original Art showing only a close-up of a final panel. I'm not exactly sure who the Artist was on this but if I had to guess, I'd maybe say, Dick Giordano??
One last thing, please be sure to click on it for a larger, sharper, photo.
It’s Formal Time! [T-Shirt]
Civilized Power Rangers do battle in proper 19th century attire. They just slap their enemies with a glove and challenge them to a duel.
Product Page ($25)
The Best of Fashionably Geek: December 31st 2012 – January 6th, 2013
Click here to view the best of Fashionably Geek for the week of December 31st 2012 - January 6th, 2013. If you enjoy this list, be sure to subscribe to Fashionably Geek via RSS, Twitter, Facebook. And don't forget to check out our sister sites Nerd Approved, CubicleBot, and That’s Nerdalicious!
Will Rowling Put Quill to Parchment for ‘Doctor Who?’
In case you haven’t heard, 2013 is Doctor Who‘s 50th anniversary. A great many gifts will be given to fans for the occasion, I’m sure, but perhaps one the greatest is currently in the works.
The BBC has already announced that it’s developing a book of 11 short stories, one for every Doctor (so far), and they’re giving the keys to the Whoniverse to 11 popular British children’s book writers. Obviously, this proviso raises one interesting possibility: J.K. Rowling, the creator and author of the wizarding series Harry Potter.
According to Hypable, Rowling is at the top of a list of candidates that includes Michelle Paver, Susan Price, Kate Thompson, Anthony Horowitz, Geraldine McCaughrean, Philip Pullman and Alan Garner. Nothing’s been confirmed yet, but securing Rowling would be a pretty big “get,” as they say in the business, and assure that the volume would be an immediate best seller.
The only question is now, which Doctor would Rowling write for? i09 seems to be of the impression that Rowling would be assigned a more modern Doctor like Ten or Eleven in order to capitalize on the merchandising opportunity, but they also digress that given her penchant for big scarves that the Seventh Doctor might a possibility. Of course, I don’t see why she couldn’t help kick-off the collection with a story about the First or Second Doctor, both of whom had very Dumbledore qualities. I guess the possibilities are endless…
Of course, as we said, there’s not confirmation that Rowling is even involved yet.
More news as it develops.
Source: i09
Tarantino Asked About Violent Movies and Sandy Hook
It’s an unfortunate side effect of a violent society to blame popular media for the crimes of the mentally unstable. With the release of Django Unchained, a gory spaghetti western, director Quentin Tarantino was recently questioned about his love of violence during an interview on NPR. While the interview wasn’t a total bust, when Terry Gross brings up Sandy Hook, Tarantino becomes incredibly agitated, but it seems her poor choice of words understandably triggered his response.
GROSS: So I just have to ask you, is it any less fun after like the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary, like, do you ever go through a period where you lose your taste for movie violence? And movie violence is not real violence, I understand the difference. But still, are there times when it just is not a fun movie experience for you – either to be making it that way or to be in the audience for something like that?
TARANTINO: Not for me.
GROSS: So it’s so completely separate, that the reality of violence doesn’t affect at all your feelings about making or viewing very violent or sadistic…
TARANTINO: Sadistic? I don’t know. I do know what, I don’t know. I think, you know, you’re putting a judgment on it.
GROSS: No, no, no…
TARANTINO: You’re putting a judgment on it.
GROSS: The characters are sadistic. The characters are sadistic. I’m not talking about, you know, the filmmaker. I’m talking about the characters. I mean, the characters are undeniably sadistic.
TARANTINO: Mm-hmm. When you say after the tragedy, what do you mean by that exactly?
GROSS: Well, like…
TARANTINO: Do you mean like on that day would I watch “The Wild Bunch?” Maybe not on that day.
GROSS: Or in the next few days, like while it’s still – while it’s still really fresh in your – while the reality – yeah.
TARANTINO: Would I watch a kung fu movie three days after the Sandy Hook massacre? Would I watch a kung fu movie? Maybe, ’cause they have nothing to do with each other.
GROSS: You sound annoyed that I’m…
TARANTINO: Yeah, I am.
GROSS: I know you’ve been asked this a lot.
TARANTINO: Yeah, I’m really annoyed. I think it’s disrespectful. I think it’s disrespectful to their memory, actually.
GROSS: With whose memory?
TARANTINO: The memory of the people who died to talk about movies. I think it’s totally disrespectful to their memory. Obviously, the issue is gun control and mental health.
Django has received a lot of unfair criticism seeing as there is no way the deranged asshole involved in Sandy Hook could have seen it. Where do you stand on the debate that movies cause violence? Sound off in the comments.
Sources: CinemaBlend, Movieline