Sunday, February 17, 2013

Nerdy Bits: Final Fantasy Cosplay, Hobbit Doll House, Michael Moore Auditions to Direct New Star Wars,Tesla Coil Fight, And MOAR!

Every day the internet produces an astounding amount of goodies and gems. Most hilarious, some amusing, but all worth at least a few seconds of your time. We here at Nerd Bastards try to bring you the best bits of news and nerdery the webz has to offer, with a bit of snark thrown in. But sometimes not everything makes the cut. Monday through Friday we'll be bringing you our inbox leftovers, our forgotten bookmarks, the nerdy bits that simply slipped through the cracks. You can submit items to Nerdy Bits by emailing us at

ABOVE: Final Fantasy cosplay by Liz Katz. I’ve never played a FF game before (100 nerd demerits, I know and prolly still wont, but I sure do enjoy when cute nerdy girlies dress up as FF characters.

I am going to assume this Mom’s name is Stacy (real name: Maddie Chambers), because she has got it going on. She made this Bag End "doll house" of sorts - with nearly EVERYTHING made BY HAND! [GeeksAreSexy]

Turtle tank with shell mounted paper craft guns, because turtles with canons are cool. I love the expression on the turtles face. He’s like “Say WHAT motherfucker, I dare you!” [ObviousWinner]

This is why you never drink a bottle of box wine by yourself. You’ll wake up the next day looking like this guy. Joking aside, some home skillet spent hours crafting this White Walker cosplay from Game of Thrones out of clay, latex and paint. Meanwhile, I’m just sitting here masturbating. [Instructables]

“I carry a messenger bag now. Messenger bags are cool”. Sadly, this TARDIS messenger bag is NOT bigger on the inside. And, it borders on hipster-ery. I’d still buy it though. Because messenger bags are in fact cool. [FashionablyGeek]

The Scifi Ship ABCs that every nerd should know. On a side note, every time I see the alphabet, I’m always compelled to sing “ABC by The Jackson 5. Hehe, now you are singing it too. [GAS]

Custom made R2-D2 themed Vespa. I wonder if honking on the horn results in an overly excited R2 scream? [Geekologie]

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I challenge you to a duel *slaps you with Tesla lightning*. Yep, here’s a video of two dudes having a Tesla coil fight. It is… electrifying! [ToplessRobot]

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Fake Michael Moore Auditions to Direct New Star Wars. I kind of wish ‘Vader and Me’ was a real thing. The Star Wars Universe would be so interesting under the scrutiny of Michael Moore. [Gizmodo]

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Screen Junkies continues its series of Honest Movie Trailers by working on the movies that are most requested. This one for The Amazing Spider-Man is hilarious. [Neatorama]

And now, T-Shirts You Gotta Buy...TODAY! (Before they're gone.)

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